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Privacy Statement Fuerza Studios


Fuerza Studios values your privacy highly. Therefore, we will process and use your data in a secure manner, fully complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this privacy statement, we explain to you which data we collect from you and why we do so. You can also learn about your rights regarding this processing in this statement. For privacy-related questions, you may contact us at

Article 1, Who are we?

Fuerza Studios is a sole proprietorship located in Cuijk. We are registered in the Chamber of Commerce under number 82698341. We are the data controllers of your personal data.

Article 2, What data do we use?

Here you can find an overview of the data we process from you, why we do this, the legal basis we have for processing this data, and how long we will keep this data.

We process your name, any company name and details, address, place of residence, telephone number, email, and other data necessary to optimally provide our services to you. This includes the photo you have set in systems we work with, the special personal data we process by photographing you and other involved parties, and the data we need from your customers when creating a personalized invoice. We use this data to make you a satisfied customer during the term of our agreement. We delete this data after 1 year following the end of the agreement.

To manage your booking, we will retain your (company) name, delivery address, billing address, email, phone number, purchase history, and payment details for up to 7 years after the conclusion of our agreement in our customer database. We do this for the execution and any modification or continuation of the agreement, as well as for tax purposes.

We use a portfolio on our website and social media channels to showcase previous work to potential clients. In this, we may process (or share) your photos taken in our space, including your (social media) name and/or logo, for commercial purposes. We will retain these photos indefinitely in our archive unless you request deletion.

For invoicing and financial administration, we process your name, any company name with associated Chamber of Commerce details, billing address, customer number, email, phone number, bank details, and outstanding balance. Without this data, we cannot process your payment. According to a legal obligation of the Tax Authorities, we must retain this data for 7 years. After this period, we will anonymize this data.

If you have a complaint about our services, we will process your (company) name, email, phone number, invoice number, order number, and the content and communication regarding this complaint to come to the best possible solution for you. We use this data for optimal execution of the agreement. We will delete the data relating to complaints 1 year after handling.

We have a legitimate interest in using some of your personal data for marketing purposes. We process your name, email, and social media account for direct marketing and social media marketing. We will delete this data once you unsubscribe from our newsletter or indicate that you no longer wish to be contacted by us.

We also use both Google Analytics and Meta to continuously improve our website and advertisements. We do this through the use of cookies. Audience statistics are collected to optimize targeting. This allows us to advertise more effectively. The data collected is anonymous. We are bound by the retention periods of these parties. More information about cookies can be found in our cookie statement.

To enable the posting of reviews about our services, we process your name and the content of your message. By posting your message, this data becomes visible to us. I can post reviews about our services on our website for commercial purposes. We will delete these when they are no longer representative of our service or if you request deletion. When you want to contact us via the website, we ask for your name and email. Optionally, you can also provide your phone number on this form. By sending the contact form, this data becomes visible to us once the contact request is completed, unless an agreement arises from this. In the context of market research with a commercial interest, we process your habits, lifestyle, and travel behavior. We will retain this data until our research is complete.

Article 3, How do we obtain this data?

We have obtained the above data from you as a customer or website visitor because you have provided this data to us. Additionally, it may be that we have obtained your data from one of our customers when you are also present during the rental of the space.

Article 4, What rights do you have regarding this data?

The General Data Protection Regulation has given you several rights regarding the personal data processed by us.

  1. Access – You can request at any time to see your data.
  2. Amendment – If you want to have your data adjusted, corrected, supplemented, shielded, or deleted based on access, you can submit a request for this.
  3. Objection – You can object to the processing of your data.
  4. Data portability – If you want to transfer your data to another provider, we will provide your data in a structured and commonly used format that can be opened by common digital systems.
  5. Withdrawal – If we have processed data based on your explicit consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent. This may have consequences for the services we can provide you.

To exercise your rights, you can send a request, along with a copy of your identity document (with masked BSN and photo), to We will assess your request as soon as possible, but no later than within 30 calendar days. If we cannot comply with your request, we will let you know why we reject your request.

Article 5, Who receives your data?

We will not provide your data to third parties unless this is necessary for the operation of the business or required by a legal obligation. Your data may be passed on to processors, parties involved in the execution of our agreement, and external advisors for the execution of the agreement. We enter into data processing agreements with these third parties to protect your privacy optimally. We will not sell your data to third parties.

Article 6, Final provisions

We recommend that you consult this privacy statement regularly, as we may make changes to the policy. If you have any questions about this statement or how we use your data, you can send an email to If you have a complaint about how we handle your data, you can also let us know. Additionally, you can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Our Creative Space 🪩🤍

Fuerza Studios is a daylight studio located in Cuijk, North Brabant. Our creative space is the ultimate place for all your productions.

Our Creative Space 🪩🤍

Fuerza Studios is a daylight studio located in Cuijk, North Brabant. Our creative space is the ultimate place for all your productions.

Lange beijerd 5A

Cuijk 5431 NR

The Netherlands

Book your time slot here

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